Monday, November 18, 2019

The Codependent's Conundrum

Tell me more
about how the ghosts
of your traumatic past
still haunt you.

Tell me about how
no matter how hard you try
to close your eyes
they still appear just as vividly
in your dreams.

Tell me more
about how you've become
a hollow shell
that all my frenzied codependency
could fill.

Convince me
there's value
in my martyrdom,

Tell me all your dark and disheveled
thoughts. Fill my mind
with your problems so
there's no longer space for me
to think about my own.

Tell me about how much
you resent those who've
tried to love you before.
Remind me there'll be no reason to
abandon me, as long as I'm doing it
to myself first.

Tell me anything,
and everything,
but please,
                                              don't ever tell me
                                              you don't need me.


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