Tuesday, October 27, 2020

all in a day's work

it's early.

the morning dew is still caressing the grass.

sunlight beaming like a spotlight as it

gently peels through the windows.

my body lay static.

dark purple bedding intermingled with legs.

pillows scattered haphazardly

collecting dust on the carpet floor.

i do not want to leave.

i do not want to see the world today.

i do not want to join the crowd

of other forlorn workers, alienated,

while still so close in space.


i only want to lay here sunbathing

in the hopeful morning light.

but the shallow promise of tomorrow

coaxes me to get up and join the fight.


the martyrs of prior insurrections

beckon for my weary body to rise.

they say we have to struggle for revolution

even with the knowledge

that it will not happen overnight.


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