Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Tug of War

Beware of the people
who play tug of war
with your heart.
The kind of people
who pull you
making you feel like
they want to be
But when you pull back
they let you go and
leave you sprawling
in the mud
of all their

Beware of the people
who are so back
and forth with you
You never know
where the two of you
Who talk to you
as it pleases them
but are never there
when you need it.
Who drain you of
Every last drop
of your kindness,
and leave you dry,
giving no kindness back
for you to
Re hydrate with.

Love should not feel
like a game
of tug of war.
Love should not feel
like a game
at all.
Leave the games
for childish people
Who've yet to
learn or care
about cherishing hearts
and being kind.

Your love is worth more
than guessing games.
The right people
will know this
and never
make you feel


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