Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Good in People

I'm sitting on a rock

dangling my feet 

over the edge of a crystal clear creek, 

moss paints the world around me, 

the sun is shining down covering the earth 

like a warm blanket 

and I am alone.

There is no one around, yet

I find myself deep 

in thought about how I believe 

human beings are mostly good.

Not because I believe

in arbitrary markers of "good and bad"

but because to me good is

what makes us human.

"There's a word for that, I'm sure"

I think, as I watch orange and red leaves 

fall from the trees and travel downstream. 

a soft breeze grazes my cheek 

as I turn my head to see

a woman and her husband have appeared

a couple hundred feet away from me.

I can see the wife smiling even in the distance 

as she takes photos of her husband fishing. 

"simple, but sweet"

Truly, I am touched.

And then the word hits me.

The good I see in people?

Is in how they love.


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