Tuesday, December 10, 2019

24 hours

Another 24 hours has passed in this
imperialistic hellscape named the
"United" States.
Yet the people are only united by
their pain.
Big Pharma glares down from its capitalistic pulpit,
sees that we are suffering and
with a handful of expensive pills says
"Here! Take this!"

With moneybags for eyes they fail to mention
how these corporations profit from poverty
while exacerbating it.
                                                   A white lie.
Just like what this country was founded on.
Amerika, the master manipulator of the world.
Gaslighting its citizens to believe they're the ones
who are sick.
At least those lucky enough to survive today.
Lucky enough to survive the blows from the stick,
no carrot.

Why give people homes when you
can just put them in cages instead?
Convince them that their misfortune
is a product of their own decisions, not
because the people are being mislead.
What does "abnormal" even mean in a society
where it's "normal" to go without a bed?

                                 "Rich people kill themselves too!"
                                       A chorus sings.

The man living on the street is unmoved.
As usual he's expected to feel sorry
for the exact reason why he's screwed.
As usual he's expected to wake up and live
as if the pigs aren't doing everything they can
to stop him.
As usual the cogs of fascism only "serve and protect"
what the ruling class has asked of them.
Not people but, the power in their hands
that they can feel crumbling.

                Another 24 hours has passed,
               another homeless man found dead.
                Another 24 hours has passed,
               another wealthy person has turned their head.


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