Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Fall's Decay

Every year you can find fall's beauty

in her decay as the earth's chill

slowly creeps in to fill the space

of the vacated summer heat.

Autumn has lessons she can teach us.

With broadstrokes she paints the trees

oranges, yellows and reds; colors captivating,

despite their pending release.

She reminds us that even relationships

we hope to be long-lasting

must be let go of once they've 

reached their expiration date.


A man once said, "Decay is the laboratory of life" 

This season adds to that quotes gravity.

The trees would die if they let themselves

be weighed down by frail connections and wilted leaves.

And so will we, slowly,

if we let ourselves be weighed down

by clinging to people

that should be set free.


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